NAV undefined
C# PHP Ruby


Welcome to the Tire Library API Documentation!

This is a live documentation, we are currently working on building code samples and Tire Library API is being constantly updated ti improve the service provided. This documentation is therefore not final and subject to change. Any breaking changes to any endpoints will be documented under the Changelog section. If you run into any unexpected errors or issues while using Tire Library API, you can contact us for support at: [email protected].

The samples in this documentation are parsing raw HTTP requests at the moment, we are currently in the process of building SDK/Libraries for accessing Tire Library API. If you would like to see code samples for a language that we have not yet documented, let us know via email: [email protected].

Getting Started


"X-API-KEY": "YourAPIKeyHere"

Tire Library makes use of API keys to provide authenticated access to the endpoints. You can obtain an API key by signing up at Tire Library with the Developer Plan.

Tire Library requires developers to send the authorization containing their API keys for all endpoints in the header.


Tire Library follows the conventions for HTTP response codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request - Your request is invalid, please check the content you are sending.
401 Unauthorized - Your API key could not be validated. Check it to ensure you have the correct one and that your subscription is also active.
403 Forbidden - The endpoint you are trying to reach is not available to your subscription.
404 Not Found - The endpoint does not exist.
422 Unprocessable Entity - The parameters sent do not match the required ones. Check your request to ensure it has everything the endpoint in questio needs.
500 Internal Server Error - Something went wrong with our servers, let us know if the problem persists.

Default Parameters

Most Tire Library API Endpoints will return some or all of the following parameters alongside the actual expected results:

Parameter Type Description
page integer The page number for the current request. If there are a lot of results, these are split into pages and you can use this parameter to get the correct results.
totalResults or length integer The amount of results returned by hitting the endpoint with the specified parameters.
totalPages integer The amount of pages available based on the amount of results returned.
timeTaken string The time taken to execute the specified action.

Search API

Search General

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("search?q=2056016&filters=speedrating:h&page=1&pagesize=30"));

    // See the parameters section for the accepted search parameters for this endpoint.
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the search parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(q: '2056016', 
                                    filters: 'speedrating:h', 
                                    page: 1, 
                                    pagesize: 30)

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

    # See the parameters section for the accepted search parameters for this endpoint.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalResults": 1169,
        "totalPages": 39,
        "timeTaken": "0.001 seconds",
        "results": [
                "id": 178385,
                "itemNumber": "AG300P1609",
                "displayName": "205/60R16 XL GRIP300",
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                "model": "GRIP300",
                "make": "AUTOGRIP",
                "makeImageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to search for tires.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
q string Yes - Used to search for specific results. A list of properties that can be searched for are listed below.
filters string No - Semicolon-delimited string of fields in lowercase to filter the query. Sample: speedrating:h;rimsize:16.
aggregateResults boolean No false Returns grouped by makes and total number of tires found.
page int No 1 The page to be retrieved from the search results.
pageSize int No 30 The amount of items to be retrieved on the page. Max value is 1000.

Search Properties

You can search for tires based on:

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Size objects:

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
imageUrl string The link to the image of the tire size.
model string The name of the model this tire size is linked to.
make string The name of the make this tire size is linked to.
makeImageUrl string The link to the image of the make for this tire size.

See all fields for Tire Size here: Tire Size

Search Makes

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("search/makes?q=michelin"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the search parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form q: 'michelin'

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

    # See the parameters section for the accepted search parameters for this endpoint.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalResults": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "timeTaken": "0.001 seconds",
        "results": [
                "id": 3,
                "name": "MICHELIN",
                "dotRegUrl": "Http://link",
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to search for makes.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
q string Used to search for specific results.

Response Parameters

An array of Make objects:

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given make within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given make.
dotRegUrl string The link to the Department of Transport Registration for a given make.
imageUrl string The link to the image of a given make.

Search Models

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("search/models?q=a"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the search parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form q: 'a'

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

    # See the parameters section for the accepted search parameters for this endpoint.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalResults": 3485,
        "totalPages": 35,
        "timeTaken": "0.001 seconds",
        "results": [
                "id": 5255,
                "name": "UA-603",
                "description": "Model description",
                "features": "Model features",
                "benefits": "Model benefits",
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to search for models.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
q Used to search for specific results.

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Model objects:

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire model within Tire Library.
name string The name of the specified tire model.
description string The description of the specified tire model.
features string The features of the specified tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
benefits string The benefits of the specified tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
imageUrl string The link to the image of this tire model.

Search Sizes

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("search/sizes?sectionWidth=225&aspectRatio=60&rimSize=16&page=1&pageSize=30&all=true"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the search parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(sectionWidth: 225, 
                                    aspectRatio: 60, 
                                    rimSize: 16, 
                                    page: 1, 
                                    pageSize: 30, 
                                    all: true)

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

    # See the parameters section for the accepted search parameters for this endpoint.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalResults": 117482,
        "totalPages": 1175,
        "timeTaken": "0.016 seconds",
        "results": [
                "id": 233509,
                "itemNumber": "372323",
                "displayName": "31X10.50R15LT C A/T",
                "model": "A/T",
                "make": "SIERRA",
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                "makeImageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                "loadRating": "109",
                "speedRating": "s",
                "plyRating": "6"

This endpoint allows you to search for sizes.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
sectionWidth double yes - The section width of the tire.
aspectRatio double yes - The aspect ratio of the tire.
rimSize double yes - The rim size of the tire.
page int No 1 The page to be retrieved from the search results.
pageSize int No 30 The amount of items to be retrieved on the page. Max value is 1000.
all boolean No false Retrieves all fields for the search result items.

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Size objects:

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
model string The name of the model this tire size is linked to.
imageUrl string The link to the image of the tire size.
makeImageUrl string The link to the image of the make for this tire size.
loadRating string A string containing the relative load carrying capabilities of the tire size.
speedRating string A string containing the designed speed capability of the tire size.
plyRating string A string containing the amount of load the tire can safely carry at a specified inflation pressure.

See all fields for Tire Size here: Tire Size

Get Specific Size

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("search/specific?make=bridgestone&itemnumber=000009"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the search parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(make: 'bridgestone',
                                    itemnumber: '000009')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "tire": {
            "id": 33972,
            "itemNumber": "000009",
            "tireModelId": null,
            "gmCode": "89049447",
            "displayName": "245/50R18 TURANZA EL42 RFT",
            "loadRange": null,
            "traCode": null,
            "utqg": "140 A A",
            "sidewall": "BL",
            "sectionWidth": 245.0,
            "aspectRatio": 50.0,
            "rimresult": 18.0,
            "inchWidth": null,
            "diameter": null,
            "metricRimDiameter": null,
            "overallDiameter": 27.8,
            "loadRating": "100",
            "speedRating": "V",
            "plyRating": null,
            "starRating": null,
            "loadCapacitySingle": null,
            "loadCapacityDual": null,
            "maxInflationPressure": null,
            "weight": 36.0,
            "approvedRimWidth": null,
            "measuringRimWidth": null,
            "overallWidth": 10.0,
            "treadWidth": null,
            "treadDepth": 11.0,
            "loadedWidth": null,
            "staticLoadedRadius": null,
            "minimumDualSpacing": null,
            "revolutionsPerMile": 749.0,
            "rollingCircumference": null,
            "originCountry": null,
            "warranty": null,
            "originalEquipment": false,
            "originalEquipmentNotes": null,
            "dotTinCode": null,
            "treadConstruction": null,
            "numberOfLugs": null,
            "rimProtector": false,
            "upc": null,
            "ean": null,
            "asin": null,
            "model": {
                "id": 73,
                "name": "TURANZA EL42",
                "description": "All Season Passenger Car Touring tire for Use on Sporty Coupes, Luxury Sedans as well as CUVs and Family Minivans. Original Equipment (OE) tire on Select Vehicles.",
                "benefits": "* For reliable all season traction\r\n* Evacuate water out from tire footprint to reduce hydroplaning and enhance wet traction\r\n* Help stabilize the tread area and enhance treadwear, handling and durability\r\n* Provides a smooth ride",
                "features": "* All Season tread compound\r\n* Symmetrical tread design featuring siped rectangular tread blocks\r\n* Lateral and circumferential tread grooves\r\n* Reinforced twin steel belts\r\n* Polyester cord body ply\r\n* Buy & Try 30 Day Guarantee\r\n* Platinum Pact Limited Warranty",
                "manufacturerUrl": null,
                "videoUrl": null,
                "imageUrl": "https://imagelinkwillbehere",
                "rotationImageUrls": null,
                "make": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "BRIDGESTONE",
                    "imageUrl": "https://imagelinkwillbehere",
                    "dotRegUrl": ""

This endpoint allows you to search for a specific size based on a Make and an Item Number.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
make string Yes - The make to be used in the search.
itemNumber string Yes - The item number to be used in the search.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
tire Tire Size The tire size object.

Sizes API

Get All Sizes

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/sizes"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 563,
        "length": 300,
        "timeTaken": "0.166 seconds",
        "sizes": [
                "id": 33973,
                "itemNumber": "00004",
                "gmCode": null,
                "displayName": "185/75R14  TIGER PAW XTM",
                "loadRange": null,
                "traCode": null,
                "utqg": "640 A B",
                "sidewall": "WW",
                "sectionWidth": 185,
                "aspectRatio": 75,
                "rimSize": 14,
                "inchWidth": null,
                "diameter": null,
                "metricRimDiameter": null,
                "overallDiameter": null,
                "loadRating": "89",
                "speedRating": "S",
                "plyRating": null,
                "starRating": null,
                "loadCapacitySingle": "1290",
                "loadCapacityDual": null,
                "maxInflationPressure": 35,
                "weight": null,
                "approvedRimWidth": null,
                "measuringRimWidth": null,
                "overallWidth": null,
                "treadWidth": null,
                "treadDepth": 9.5,
                "loadedWidth": null,
                "staticLoadedRadius": null,
                "minimumDualSpacing": null,
                "revolutionsPerMile": null,
                "rollingCircumference": null,
                "originCountry": null,
                "warranty": null,
                "upc": null,
                "ean": null,
                "asin": null,
                "model": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "TIGER PAW XTM",
                    "description": "All-Season Passenger Car tire.",
                    "benefits": "* Good value and long tread life\r\n* Smooth ride",
                    "features": "* Raised White Letter\r\n* Built with Uniroyal's DuraShield construction",
                    "manufacturerUrl": null,
                    "videoUrl": null,
                    "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                    "rotationImageUrls": null,
                    "make": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "name": "UNIROYAL",
                        "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                        "dotRegUrl": "http://linkwillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to get all tire sizes and their information.

HTTP Request


Response Parameters

An array of Tire Size objects.

Tire Size Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
gmCode string A string containing the
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
loadRange string A string containing the load carrying capability of a specified tire size.
traCode string A string containing the
utqg string A string containing the
sidewall string A string containing the
sectionWidth double A double containing the
aspectRatio double A double containing the
rimSize double A double containing the
inchWidth double A double containing the
diameter double A double containing the
metricRimDiameter double A double containing the
overallDiameter double A double containing the
loadRating string A string containing the relative load carrying capabilities of the tire size.
speedRating string A string containing the designed speed capability of the tire size.
plyRating string A string containing the amount of load the tire can safely carry at a specified inflation pressure.
starRating string A string containing the
loadCapacitySingle string A string containing the
loadCapacityDual string A string containing the
maxInflationPressure integer An integer containing the
weight double A double containing the
approvedRimWidth string A string containing the
measuringRimWidth string A string containing the
overallWidth double A double containing the
treadWidth string A string containing the
treadDepth double A double containing the
loadedWidth string A string containing the
staticLoadedRadius string A string containing the
minimumDualSpacing double A double containing the
revolutionsPerMile double A double containing the
rollingCircumference double A double containing the
originCountry string A string containing the
warranty string A string containing the
upc string A string containing the universal product code for the tire size.
ean string A string containing the
asin string A string containing the
model object The model object this tire size is linked to. Parameters are outlined below.

Tire Model Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire model within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given tire model.
description string The description of the tire model.
benefits string The benefits of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
features string The features of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
manufacturerUrl string The link to the manufacturer of the tire model.
videoUrl string The link of
imageUrl string The link to the image of the tire model.
rotationImageUrls string An array of 24 strings containing the image links for viewing the tire model from multiple angles.
make object The make object this tire model is linked to. Parameters are outlined below.

Tire Make Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given make within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given make.
imageUrl string The link to the image of a given make.
dotRegUrl string The link to the Department of Transport Registration for a given make.

Get Size by Id

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/sizes/33973"));

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the Tire Size in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Tire Size in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "timeTaken": "0.002 seconds",
        "size": {
            "id": 33973,
            "itemNumber": "00004",
            "gmCode": null,
            "displayName": "185/75R14  TIGER PAW XTM",
            "loadRange": null,
            "traCode": null,
            "utqg": "640 A B",
            "sidewall": "WW",
            "sectionWidth": 185,
            "aspectRatio": 75,
            "rimSize": 14,
            "inchWidth": null,
            "diameter": null,
            "metricRimDiameter": null,
            "overallDiameter": null,
            "loadRating": "89",
            "speedRating": "S",
            "plyRating": null,
            "starRating": null,
            "loadCapacitySingle": "1290",
            "loadCapacityDual": null,
            "maxInflationPressure": 35,
            "weight": null,
            "approvedRimWidth": null,
            "measuringRimWidth": null,
            "overallWidth": null,
            "treadWidth": null,
            "treadDepth": 9.5,
            "loadedWidth": null,
            "staticLoadedRadius": null,
            "minimumDualSpacing": null,
            "revolutionsPerMile": null,
            "rollingCircumference": null,
            "originCountry": null,
            "warranty": null,
            "upc": null,
            "ean": null,
            "asin": null,
            "model": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "TIGER PAW XTM",
                "description": "All-Season Passenger Car tire.",
                "benefits": "* Good value and long tread life\r\n* Smooth ride",
                "features": "* Raised White Letter\r\n* Built with Uniroyal's DuraShield construction",
                "manufacturerUrl": null,
                "videoUrl": null,
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                "rotationImageUrls": null,
                "make": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "UNIROYAL",
                    "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                    "dotRegUrl": "https://linkwillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to get information on a specific tire size via their id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Tire Size Id to be used in the search for the specific tire size.

Response Parameters

A Tire Size object.

Tire Size Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
gmCode string A string containing the
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
loadRange string A string containing the load carrying capability of a specified tire size.
traCode string A string containing the
utqg string A string containing the
sidewall string A string containing the
sectionWidth double A double containing the
aspectRatio double A double containing the
rimSize double A double containing the
inchWidth double A double containing the
diameter double A double containing the
metricRimDiameter double A double containing the
overallDiameter double A double containing the
loadRating string A string containing the relative load carrying capabilities of the tire size.
speedRating string A string containing the designed speed capability of the tire size.
plyRating string A string containing the amount of load the tire can safely carry at a specified inflation pressure.
starRating string A string containing the
loadCapacitySingle string A string containing the
loadCapacityDual string A string containing the
maxInflationPressure integer An integer containing the
weight double A double containing the
approvedRimWidth string A string containing the
measuringRimWidth string A string containing the
overallWidth double A double containing the
treadWidth string A string containing the
treadDepth double A double containing the
loadedWidth string A string containing the
staticLoadedRadius string A string containing the
minimumDualSpacing double A double containing the
revolutionsPerMile double A double containing the
rollingCircumference double A double containing the
originCountry string A string containing the
warranty string A string containing the
upc string A string containing the universal product code for the tire size.
ean string A string containing the
asin string A string containing the
model object The model object this tire size is linked to. Parameters are outlined below.

Tire Model Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire model within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given tire model.
description string The description of the tire model.
benefits string The benefits of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
features string The features of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
manufacturerUrl string The link to the manufacturer of the tire model.
videoUrl string The link of
imageUrl string The link to the image of the tire model.
rotationImageUrls string An array of 24 strings containing the image links for viewing the tire model from multiple angles.
make object The make object this tire model is linked to. Parameters are outlined below.

Tire Make Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given make within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given make.
imageUrl string The link to the image of a given make.
dotRegUrl string The link to the Department of Transport Registration for a given make.

Get Other Tire Sizes in Model by Tire Size Id

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/sizes/33973/otherSizes"));

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the Tire Size in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Tire Size in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "length": 31,
        "timeTaken": "0.01 seconds",
        "sizes": [
                "id": 34280,
                "itemNumber": "04380",
                "gmCode": null,
                "displayName": "235/75R15  TIGER PAW XTM",
                "loadRange": "SL        ",
                "traCode": null,
                "utqg": "400 A C",
                "sidewall": "WW",
                "sectionWidth": 235,
                "aspectRatio": 75,
                "rimSize": 15,
                "inchWidth": null,
                "diameter": null,
                "metricRimDiameter": null,
                "overallDiameter": 29.65,
                "loadRating": "105",
                "speedRating": "S",
                "plyRating": null,
                "starRating": null,
                "loadCapacitySingle": "2028",
                "loadCapacityDual": null,
                "maxInflationPressure": 35,
                "weight": null,
                "approvedRimWidth": "6.0 - 8.0           ",
                "measuringRimWidth": "6.5                 ",
                "overallWidth": 9.3,
                "treadWidth": null,
                "treadDepth": 12,
                "loadedWidth": null,
                "staticLoadedRadius": null,
                "minimumDualSpacing": null,
                "revolutionsPerMile": null,
                "rollingCircumference": null,
                "originCountry": null,
                "warranty": "60000",
                "upc": null,
                "ean": null,
                "asin": null

This endpoint allows you to get information on all other sizes within the model of the specified tire size id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Tire Size Id to be used to find the model and the other sizes within.

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Size objects.

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
gmCode string A string containing the
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
loadRange string A string containing the load carrying capability of a specified tire size.
traCode string A string containing the
utqg string A string containing the
sidewall string A string containing the
sectionWidth double A double containing the
aspectRatio double A double containing the
rimSize double A double containing the
inchWidth double A double containing the
diameter double A double containing the
metricRimDiameter double A double containing the
overallDiameter double A double containing the
loadRating string A string containing the relative load carrying capabilities of the tire size.
speedRating string A string containing the designed speed capability of the tire size.
plyRating string A string containing the amount of load the tire can safely carry at a specified inflation pressure.
starRating string A string containing the
loadCapacitySingle string A string containing the
loadCapacityDual string A string containing the
maxInflationPressure integer A string containing the
weight double A double containing the
approvedRimWidth string A string containing the
measuringRimWidth string A string containing the
overallWidth double A double containing the
treadWidth string A string containing the
treadDepth double A double containing the
loadedWidth string A string containing the
staticLoadedRadius string A string containing the
minimumDualSpacing double A double containing the
revolutionsPerMile double A double containing the
rollingCircumference double A double containing the
originCountry string A string containing the
warranty string A string containing the
upc string A string containing the universal product code for the tire size.
ean string A string containing the
asin string A string containing the

Models API

Get All Models

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/models?page=2"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the page parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(page: '2')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 42,
        "length": 300,
        "timeTaken": "0.046 seconds",
        "models": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "TIGER PAW XTM",
                "description": "All-Season Passenger Car tire.",
                "features": "* Raised White Letter\r\n* Built with Uniroyal's DuraShield construction",
                "benefits": "* Good value and long tread life\r\n* Smooth ride",
                "manufacturerUrl": null,
                "imageUrl": "https://linktotheimagewillbehere",
                "rotationImageUrls": null,
                "videoUrl": null,
                "make": {
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "UNIROYAL",
                    "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                    "dotRegUrl": ""

This endpoint allows you to get all models and their information.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
page int No 1 The page number to be retrieved. Currently returns 30 items per page.

Response Parameters

A Tire Model object.

Parameter Type Description
models Tire Model Array An array of Tire Model objects (includes associated Tire Makes).

Get Model by Id

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/models/2"));

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the Tire Model in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Tire Model in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "timeTaken": "0.003 seconds",
        "model": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "TIGER PAW XTM",
            "description": "All-Season Passenger Car tire.",
            "features": "* Raised White Letter\r\n* Built with Uniroyal's DuraShield construction",
            "benefits": "* Good value and long tread life\r\n* Smooth ride",
            "manufacturerUrl": null,
            "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
            "rotationImageUrls": null,
            "videoUrl": null,
            "make": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "UNIROYAL",
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                "dotRegUrl": "http://linkwillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to get information on a specific tire model via their id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id The tire Model Id to be used in the search for the specific tire model.

Response Parameters

A Tire Model object.

Parameter Type Description
model Tire Model The tire model object.

Subclass Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given subclass within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given subclass.
description string The description of the subclass.
keywords string The keywords pertaining to the subclass, delimited by ',' (comma) characters.

Get Model Sizes by Model Id

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/models/2/sizes"));

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the Tire Model in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Tire Model in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "length": 32,
        "timeTaken": "0.008 seconds",
        "sizes": [
                "id": 33973,
                "itemNumber": "00004",
                "gmCode": null,
                "displayName": "185/75R14  TIGER PAW XTM",
                "loadRange": null,
                "traCode": null,
                "utqg": "640 A B",
                "sidewall": "WW",
                "sectionWidth": 185,
                "aspectRatio": 75,
                "rimSize": 14,
                "inchWidth": null,
                "diameter": null,
                "metricRimDiameter": null,
                "overallDiameter": null,
                "loadRating": "89",
                "speedRating": "S",
                "plyRating": null,
                "starRating": null,
                "loadCapacitySingle": "1290",
                "loadCapacityDual": null,
                "maxInflationPressure": 35,
                "weight": null,
                "approvedRimWidth": null,
                "measuringRimWidth": null,
                "overallWidth": null,
                "treadWidth": null,
                "treadDepth": 9.5,
                "loadedWidth": null,
                "staticLoadedRadius": null,
                "minimumDualSpacing": null,
                "revolutionsPerMile": null,
                "rollingCircumference": null,
                "originCountry": null,
                "warranty": null,
                "upc": null,
                "ean": null,
                "asin": null

This endpoint allows you to get information on all tire sizes within the model with the specified id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Tire Model Id to be used to find the model and the tire sizes within.

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Size objects.

Tire Size Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
gmCode string A string containing the
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
loadRange string A string containing the load carrying capability of a specified tire size.
traCode string A string containing the
utqg string A string containing the
sidewall string A string containing the
sectionWidth double A double containing the
aspectRatio double A double containing the
rimSize double A double containing the
inchWidth double A double containing the
diameter double A double containing the
metricRimDiameter double A double containing the
overallDiameter double A double containing the
loadRating string A string containing the relative load carrying capabilities of the tire size.
speedRating string A string containing the designed speed capability of the tire size.
plyRating string A string containing the amount of load the tire can safely carry at a specified inflation pressure.
starRating string A string containing the
loadCapacitySingle string A string containing the
loadCapacityDual string A string containing the
maxInflationPressure integer An integer containing the
weight double A double containing the
approvedRimWidth string A string containing the
measuringRimWidth string A string containing the
overallWidth double A double containing the
treadWidth string A string containing the
treadDepth double A double containing the
loadedWidth string A string containing the
staticLoadedRadius string A string containing the
minimumDualSpacing double A double containing the
revolutionsPerMile double A double containing the
rollingCircumference double A double containing the
originCountry string A string containing the
warranty string A string containing the
upc string A string containing the universal product code for the tire size.
ean string A string containing the
asin string A string containing the

Get Model Rebates by Model Id

    Will be added soon.
    Will be added soon.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

    Will be added soon.

This endpoint allows you to get information on rebates within the given tire model id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Tire Model Id to be used to find the model and the rebates within.

Rebates API

Get All Rebates

    Will be added soon.
    Will be added soon.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

    Will be added soon.

This endpoint allows you to get the information on all rebates.

HTTP Request


Get Rebate by Id

    Will be added soon.
    Will be added soon.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

    Will be added soon.

This endpoint allows you to get information on a specific rebate via their id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Rebate Id to be used in the search for information on the specific rebate.

Makes API

Get All Makes

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/makes"));
    require 'net/http'

    uri = URI('')

    # Adding the all parameter to the URI.
    uri.query = URI.encode_www_form all: true

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "length": 300,
        "timeTaken": "0.009 seconds",
        "makes": [
                "id": 485,
                "name": "ACCELERA",
                "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
                "dotRegUrl": "http://linkwillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to get all makes and their information.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Value Description
all true Requests all makes in one go as opposed to multiple pages.

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Make objects.

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given make within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given make.
imageUrl string The link to the image of a given make.
dotRegUrl string The link to the Department of Transport Registration for a given make.

Get Make by Id

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/makes/485"));

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the Tire Make in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Tire Make in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "timeTaken": "0.012 seconds",
        "make": {
            "id": 485,
            "name": "ACCELERA",
            "imageUrl": "https://linktoimagewillbehere",
            "dotRegUrl": "http://linkwillbehere"

This endpoint allows you to get information on a specific make via their id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Make Id to be used in the search for the specific tire make.

Response Parameters

A Tire Make object.

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given make within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given make.
imageUrl string The link to the image of a given make.
dotRegUrl string The link to the Department of Transport Registration for a given make.

Get Make Models by Make Id

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    object response = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject
        (await client.GetStringAsync("data/makes/485/models"));

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the Tire Make in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Tire Make in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "length": 22,
        "timeTaken": "0.018 seconds",
        "models": [
                "id": 19275,
                "name": "ACCELERA",
                "description": "Affordable, Directional, All Season Passenger Vehicle Tire.",
                "features": "* Twin straight grooves\r\n* Center rib\r\n* Unique shoulder block design",
                "benefits": "* Maintain stability and enable rapid water evacuation to overcome aquaplaning risk\r\n* Provides directional stability and quick steering response\r\n* Provide optimum cornering stability",
                "manufacturerUrl": "http://linkwillbehere",
                "imageUrl": null,
                "rotationImageUrls": null,
                "videoUrl": null

This endpoint allows you to get information on models within the given tire make id.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
id Tire Make Id to be used to find the make and the models within.

Response Parameters

An array of Tire Model objects.

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire model within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given tire model.
description string The description of the tire model.
benefits string The benefits of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
features string The features of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
manufacturerUrl string The link to the manufacturer of the tire model.
videoUrl string The link of
imageUrl string The link to the image of the tire model.
rotationImageUrls string An array of 24 strings containing the image links for viewing the tire model from multiple angles.

Datasheets API

Generate Datasheet

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient
        BaseAddress = new Uri("")

    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-API-KEY", "YourApiKeyHere");

    // Hitting the endpoint.
    // This returns a File as opposed to JSON.
    return await client.GetStreamAsync("templates/datasheets/41248");

    // The number in the query represents the Id of 
    // the datasheet in question.
    require 'net/http'

    # The number in the query represents the Id of the Datasheet in question.
    uri = URI('')

    request = uri

    # Adding the API Key.
    request['X-API-KEY'] = 'your_api_key_here'

    # Hitting the endpoint.
    response = Net::HTTP.start uri.hostname, uri.port, use_ssl: true do |http|
        http.request request

This endpoint returns a PDF file containing the specified datasheet.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the specified datasheet to be retrieved.

Mapping API (Beta)

The mapping processes are still undergoing testing and various improvements, any breaking changes will be notified in the changelog.

Mapping via JSON

  Will be added soon.
  Will be added soon.
  Will be added soon.

The following sample represents the JSON response for this endpoint:

    "options": {
      "executeRules": true,
      "executeVerification": true,
      "executeTokenization": false,
      "mappingMode": 1,
      "fields": {
        "requestedFields": [
          "gmcode", "aspectration" // aspectration is supposed to be aspectratio
        "invalidFields": [
            "key": "aspectration",
            "value": "Invalid"
    "mappedCodes": [
        "unmappedCode": "2050",
        "make": "ceat",
        "extra": null,
        "flag": 3,
        "tireLibraryMakeId": 554,
        "tireLibraryMake": "CEAT",
        "tireLibraryId": 234718,
        "mappedCode": "2050",
        "specUrl": "https://LinkToSpecificationsOfThisTire",
        "extraFields": {
          "gmcode": "gmcodehere"

This endpoint allows you to execute mapping via JSON on a specific set of Mapping Objects with a given package.

HTTP Request


Request Body

Mapping Objects must be sent in order for data to be mapped. With the exception of packageId, all other parts of the process are now optional:

The Request Body must be in the following format for the process to work:

The following request body sample must be followed for the correct behavior in the endpoint:

  "options": {
    "executeRules": "true",
    "executeVerification": "true",
    "executeTokenization": "false",
    "mappingMode": 1,
    "packageId": 1,
    "fields": [
      "gmcode", "aspectRatio"
  "entryData": [
      "unmappedCode": "Your unmapped code prior to the execution of rules",
      "make": "Your make, must match data in Tire Library",
      "extra": ""

Response Parameters

A list of Mapped Code objects with the parameters listed below as well as:

Mapped Code Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
unmappedCode string The original code sent to the API prior to the execution of rules.
make string The make to be used in the search for a specific tire for mapping.
extra string An extra field available for non-default mapping modes.
flag integer The status of the code after the execution of rules and Tire Library verification. A thorough list of flags and their meaning has been provided below.
tireLibraryMakeId integer The id of the matching make of the mapped code in Tire Library. Null if no perfect match was found.
tireLibraryMake string The name of the make found to match the tire in question in Tire Library. Null if no perfect match was found.
tireLibraryId integer The id pertaining to the specified tire if the matching was successful. Empty if no match was found.
mappedCode string The final code after the execution of rules within the given package.
specUrl string The url pointing to the specifications page for the matched tire if found.


You can now select the mapping mode you would like to use:

Mode Code Title Description
1 Default Default mapping mode, uses UnmappedCode and Makes to determine matches.
2 ItemNumberAndTireSize Makes use of UnmappedCode and Tire Size (under the "Extra" field) to match items. This is not as accurate as the default method and takes a longer time to finalize.


Flag Code Modes Description
0 All Empty code, mapped code was empty.
1 ItemNumberAndTireSize Multiple item number matches were found but we could not ascertain the correct make.
2 All Invalid code, no perfect match was found.
3 All Valid Code, a perfect match was found.
4 All Valid Possible Duplicate Size, this means that a valid match was found but there was a duplicate in Tire Library and we were unable to specify the correct one.
5 All Valid Duplicate Entry In Csv, duplicate items were found in the csv, if a result was found, all will receive the same Tire Library details.
6 ItemNumberAndTireSize Partial Match, this means results were returned during the search but none matched the Item Number and Tire size combination.

Extra Fields

Field Code Title
gmcode GM Code
upc Universal Product Code
ean EAN
asin ASIN
loadrange Load Range
tracode TRA Code
utqg UTQG
sidewall Sidewall
sectionwidth Section Width
aspectratio Aspect Ratio
rimsize Rim Size
inchwidth Inch Width
diameter Diameter
metricrimdiameter Metric Rim Diameter
overalldiameter Overall Diameter
loadrating Load Rating
speedrating Speed Rating
plyrating Ply Rating
starrating Star Rating
loadcapacitysingle Load Capacity Single
loadcapacitydual Load Capacity Dual
maxinflationpressure Max Inflation Pressure
weight Weight
approvedrimwidth Approved Rim Width
measuringrimwidth Measuring Rim Width
overallwidth Overall Width
treaddepth Tread Depth
minimumdualspacing Minimum Dual Spacing
revolutionspermile Revolutions Per Mile
rollingcircumference Rolling Circumference
origincountry Origin Country
warranty Warranty
treadwidth Tread Width
loadedwidth Loaded Width
staticloadedradius Static Loaded Radius

Mapping via CSV Upload

  Will be added soon.
  Will be added soon.
  Will be added soon.

The result for this endpoint is a CSV file containing the Mapped Code Object Parameters as described in the information on the side.

This endpoint allows you to execute mapping via uploading a CSV file on a specific set of data with a given package.

HTTP Request


Request Body

A CSV file containing the Mapping Objects must be sent in order for data to be mapped. The CSV must only contain the following fields:

With the exception of packageId, all other parts of the mapping process are now optional:

The Request Body must contain a files key with a single file and it must be of type CSV according to the fields above.

The Request Body must be in the following format for the process to work:

  "options": {
    "executeRules": "true",
    "executeVerification": "true",
    "executeTokenization": "false",
    "mappingMode": 1,
    "packageId": 1,
    "fields": [
      "gmcode", "aspectRatio"

Response Parameters

A comma-delimited file containing the Mapped Code Object Parameters separated into columns (alongside any extra fields requested).

Mapped Code Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
unmappedCode string The original code sent to the API prior to the execution of rules.
make string The make to be used in the search for a specific tire for mapping.
flag integer The status of the code after the execution of rules and Tire Library verification. A thorough list of flags and their meaning has been provided below.
tireLibraryMakeId integer The id of the matching make of the mapped code in Tire Library. Null if no perfect match was found.
tireLibraryMake string The name of the make found to match the tire in question in Tire Library. Null if no perfect match was found.
tireLibraryId integer The id pertaining to the specified tire if the matching was successful. Empty if no match was found.
mappedCode string The final code after the execution of rules within the given package.
specUrl string The url pointing to the specifications page for the matched tire if found.


You can now select the mapping mode you would like to use:

Mode Code Title Description
1 Default Default mapping mode, uses UnmappedCode and Makes to determine matches.
2 ItemNumberAndTireSize Makes use of UnmappedCode and Tire Size (under the "Extra" field) to match items. This is not as accurate as the default method and takes a longer time to finalize. You must have the Extra column containing the Tire Size in your CSV.


Flag Code Modes Description
0 All Empty code, mapped code was empty.
1 ItemNumberAndTireSize Multiple item number matches were found but we could not ascertain the correct make.
2 All Invalid code, no perfect match was found.
3 All Valid Code, a perfect match was found.
4 All Valid Possible Duplicate Size, this means that a valid match was found but there was a duplicate in Tire Library and we were unable to specify the correct one.
5 All Valid Duplicate Entry In Csv, duplicate items were found in the csv, if a result was found, all will receive the same Tire Library details.
6 ItemNumberAndTireSize Partial Match, this means results were returned during the search but none matched the Item Number and Tire size combination.

Extra Fields

Field Code Title
gmcode GM Code
upc Universal Product Code
ean EAN
asin ASIN
loadrange Load Range
tracode TRA Code
utqg UTQG
sidewall Sidewall
sectionwidth Section Width
aspectratio Aspect Ratio
rimsize Rim Size
inchwidth Inch Width
diameter Diameter
metricrimdiameter Metric Rim Diameter
overalldiameter Overall Diameter
loadrating Load Rating
speedrating Speed Rating
plyrating Ply Rating
starrating Star Rating
loadcapacitysingle Load Capacity Single
loadcapacitydual Load Capacity Dual
maxinflationpressure Max Inflation Pressure
weight Weight
approvedrimwidth Approved Rim Width
measuringrimwidth Measuring Rim Width
overallwidth Overall Width
treaddepth Tread Depth
minimumdualspacing Minimum Dual Spacing
revolutionspermile Revolutions Per Mile
rollingcircumference Rolling Circumference
origincountry Origin Country
warranty Warranty
treadwidth Tread Width
loadedwidth Loaded Width
staticloadedradius Static Loaded Radius

Tire Library Data Types

Tire Size

Contains all data related to a specific Tire Size. Used throughout multiple endpoints across Tire Library API.


Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire size within Tire Library.
itemNumber string The item number for the given tire size within Tire Library (can be used to search for sizes).
tireModelId integer The identifier for the Tire Model this Tire Size is part of.
gmCode string A string containing the
displayName string The display name for the specified tire size.
loadRange string The load carrying capability of a specified tire size.
traCode string A string containing the
utqg string A string containing the
sidewall string A string containing the
sectionWidth double A double containing the
aspectRatio double A double containing the
rimSize double A double containing the
inchWidth double A double containing the
diameter double A double containing the
metricRimDiameter double A double containing the
overallDiameter double A double containing the
loadRating string The relative load carrying capabilities of the tire size.
speedRating string The designed speed capability of the tire size.
plyRating string The amount of load the tire can safely carry at a specified inflation pressure.
starRating string A string containing the
loadCapacitySingle string A string containing the
loadCapacityDual string A string containing the
maxInflationPressure integer An integer containing the
weight double A double containing the
approvedRimWidth string A string containing the
measuringRimWidth string A string containing the
overallWidth double A double containing the
treadWidth string A string containing the
treadDepth double A double containing the
loadedWidth string A string containing the
staticLoadedRadius string A string containing the
minimumDualSpacing double A double containing the
revolutionsPerMile double A double containing the
rollingCircumference double A double containing the
originCountry string A string containing the
warranty string A string containing the
originalEquipment boolean Outlines if this tire size is an original equipment (produced alongside a specific vehicle) or not.
originalEquipmentNotes string Any notes required for the original equipment.
treadConstruction string A string containing the
numberOfLugs int An integer containing the
rimProtector boolean Outlines if this tire contains a rim protector or not.
upc string A string containing the universal product code for the tire size.
ean string A string containing the
asin string A string containing the
model Tire Model The model object this tire size is linked to.

Tire Model

Contains all data related to a specific Tire Model. Used throughout multiple endpoints across Tire Library API.


Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given tire model within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given tire model.
description string The description of the tire model.
benefits string The benefits of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
features string The features of the tire model, delimited by '*' (asterisk) characters.
manufacturerUrl string The link to the manufacturer of the tire model.
videoUrl string The link of
imageUrl string The link to the image of the tire model.
rotationImageUrls string An array of 24 strings containing the image links for viewing the tire model from multiple angles.
make Tire Make The make object this tire model is linked to.

Tire Make

Contains all data related to a specific Tire Make. Used throughout multiple endpoints across Tire Library API.


Parameter Type Description
id integer The identifier for the given make within Tire Library.
name string The name of the given make.
imageUrl string The link to the image of a given make.
dotRegUrl string The link to the Department of Transport Registration for a given make.









Breaking Changes




Breaking Changes





Breaking Changes



New Features

Breaking Changes


New Features


Breaking Changes


New Features

Reporting Issues

If there is anything wrong with any of the endpoints, let us know via email at Tire Library API Support.